Friday, November 26, 2010

Getting Ready for Old Man Winter

Looking for ways to save some real dollars this holiday?  One way is to reduce your heating costs by weather proofing your home.  Here are some tips to prevent heat loss in your home:

1.      Seal your windows and doors – The weather in central Texas is cool and windy.  It’s a good time to check for potential leaks that may have occurred and seal them up to prevent future heat loss.  (Wouldn't you rather be walking around your house now than when it is 30 degrees out there?  Yep, me too.)
2.      Vary your heat settings – Adjust your house thermometer for times that you are home versus out of the house.  Programmable thermostats are recommended for use by Energy Star to help in adjusting the temperature each day.  (We already have lots to remember in the morning...matching socks for the kids, breakfast, jackets, homework, show-and-tell, keys, cell phone, etc...why worry with having to remember the thermostat too.)
3.      Clean your dryer vent – This has really nothing to do with the colder weather, but it can also help to reduce your electricity bill because your dryer will run more efficiently.  (Hey now!)
4.      Check vent and pipe outlets – Sometimes a source of heat loss in a home occurs around vents and pipes that come into the home from outside.  If the edges of the pipe or vent are not sealed, you could use spray foam insulation which can be picked at any home improvement store.  (Again, walking around the house with old man winter ripping at my ears just doesn't sound fun.  Do it before the cold snaps hit.)

According to the US Fire Administration, heating fires are the 2nd leading cause of all residential building fires.  Be sure to keep you home and family safe and warm this winter.  Here are a few tips:
·         Have your heating unit cleaned and serviced by a professional technician once per year.
·         If you have a chimney, get it cleaned by a professional before lighting a fire for the first time this year.
·         Check that your smoke alarms are installed and working properly.
·         Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home and make sure they work.
·         Clean air vents by removing the vent cover and cleaning/vacuuming any dust/debris.
·         If you use space heaters, make sure they work properly and don’t leave them operating unattended.  Also, be sure that no flammable materials are near the space heater.  And, be sure to unplug the space heater when not in use.

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